Shot Control Exercise (8) Attack-Defend Badminton Drills

Tags: Defense   Drills/Exercises   Intermediate   Advanced   Chen Weihua   Chen Weihua Badminton Training  

In this intermediate/advanced badminton training video, Coach Chen Weihua shows several attack-defend badminton drills. These partner-assisted badminton exercises require two players, one player attacks while the assisting partner defends. To successfully execute these badminton drills, the attacker must have good mastery of the high clear, drop, and smash shot techniques, while the defender must have good mastery of smash-return, drop-return, net play, and net lift techniques.These badminton drills expose players to a variety of scenarios helping them gain experience and confidence.The drills are beneficial to both players improving their offensive and defensive abilities.The following badminton drills are covered in the video:

Clear-Drop Badminton Drill

For the Clear-Drop Badminton Drill, the attacker mainly uses high clear and drop shot combinations on the defender. The high clear pushes the opponent to the back corners, while the drop shot pulls the opponent to the net corners. This badminton attacking combination forces the opponent to cover a large amount of distance, wearing down the opponent and winning the play.

Clear-Smash Badminton Drill

For the Clear-Smash Badminton Drill, the attacker mainly uses high clear and smash combinations on the defender. The high clear pushes the opponent to the back corners, leaving one side of the court open to smash attacks. This badminton attacking combination can force the opponent to return a midcourt clear, giving the attacker a steep and powerful smash shot.

Drop-Smash Badminton Drill

For the Drop-Smash Badminton Drill, the attacker mainly uses drop and smash combinations on the defender. The drop shot pulls the opponent to the corners of the net, leaving a large area of the court open to smash attacks. This badminton attacking combination can force the opponent to return a midcourt lift, giving the attacker a steep and powerful smash shot.

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